Monday, 17 February 2025

The Nunavut I Knew - My First Novel


I was fooling around with an idea that popped into my head, a short while ago, and had some fun creating this image for the cover of my soon to be published novel, The Nunavut I Knew. I doubt that the actual cover will look like this when my novel is published... but I thought that this would be a good way to begin this story.

This novel is about my adventures as an artist when I traveled to Rankin Inlet in 2006.  I had some peculiar adventures when I went trekking through the tundra, I was a radio DJ for an afternoon, I hosted a community Earth Day celebration and I had a couple of inspiring afternoons teaching my Art For Earth environmental art workshops for a handful of Rankin's youths.

I am now in my fifth year working on this effort.  It took me two years to write this novel and another two years editing it.  Last October, I decided that it was time to get a professional editor involved to smooth out the wrinkles in my writing and help me along the process of getting this novel published.  My editor is awesome!  I am very glad that she is working with me on this journey.

Obviously, there is a cost involved in this process and it's a cost that I am more than prepared to pay. I have calculated that by my own efforts I will be able to have my novel published nearing the end of this year... and that's perfectly fine with me. However, someone suggested to me that I try to get some financial support so that I can get my novel published sooner... and this led me to create my first gofundme page.

Haha! I love this photo of the students I worked with while in Rankin! We did indeed have a lot of fun. I'm glad that I chose this photo to be the main image on my gofundme page. And, look... what's that?? Yup! I've already received one donation... for $25.00.  It really made me happy to see that after just one promotion of this page that someone checked out all the info I shared and decided to support my effort.

So... here are a couple of links that you may find of interest...

This first link is to another page on this website where I share how this novel got started.  At the end of that story, I share an excerpt from Chapter 1.

This link is to a short Youtube video that was published during my stay in Nunavut.  The Inuit Broadcasting Corporation (IBC) came to my community Earth Day event and put together this story to share with its viewers.  Boy... I sure do look a lot younger! Haha!

And lastly... here is the link to my gofundme page.  If you would like to support my efforts and help me get my novel published sooner than my own efforts will be able to allow... I thank you in advance!

1 Postcard a Day for 10 Days


A few weeks ago, I got involved in a postcard campaign! Just recently, my part in it came to an end... but I'm still promoting it.  I would like to think that this campaign will continue strong for another few weeks and I will encourage all of you to follow this link to learn more about it... with the hopes that you will take action for this great cause!!!!

Sunday, 5 January 2025

Devon's First Youtube Channel

 How exciting!!! Now that Devon is thirteen he's allowed to have his own Youtube channel... so we got busy the other day and made it happen!  On this channel, he'll mostly be sharing his music videos.  He's already posted three videos and there's many more to come... so be sure to support his effort and subscribe to his channel!!

Several months ago, I shared the story about Devon's first song writing experience!
Here's a link to that story...

In the story, I mention how Devon and I were working on a video for this song!
We finally finished the editing process a short while ago... 
and this video is now ready to share with the world!
This is also the first video to be uploaded to his Youtube channel.
Here's the link to this video...

To see his other videos... and subscribe to his channel...
follow this link...

Enjoy you visit to his video collection!!!

Over the last week, Devon has been creating images
to promote his channel on his Snapchat feed...
This is his most recent one.

I'm sharing this just so you can see that Devon is very
dedicated to his channel and he's taking a lot of effort to
make this a success!

Thanks for your support! 

Saturday, 2 November 2024


 2024 had been a 'year of completion' for me!  If you scroll down, you'll see that I've recently finished writing and editing my first novel - The Nunavut I Knew!  This was a four year effort!!  You'll also see a post highlighting the completion of a 3' x 3' artwork that took me five years to complete using puzzle pieces as my medium.  Now... I'm proud to showcase my latest artwork, that I just picked up yesterday, that is entitled 215! When you click on the link below you will see how this artwork started several years ago, as well!  I kinda like seeing many of my efforts coming to an end... although their ends are more a beginning if you ask me.  Now that these works are done, I've got to find ways to share them with the world!  I'm about to start looking at finding a publisher for my novel.  My puzzle artwork needs to find a home and 215 is about to begin a journey of it's own, as this story will show...

Please enjoy this effort! 

More Than Meets The Eye...

  It recently came to my attention that many people are checking out my website on their phones!  This is great... but this site is created for laptop viewing and many phone users are missing A LOT of content!

I asked one visitor to my site if she had viewed my poetry or video tabs.  She didn't know what I was talking about and it became clear that she thought I only had 5 or 6 posts on this site.  These 5 or 6 posts are what you are now seeing just on my 'home' page.

So... here's how you can access SO MUCH MORE content on this page, if you are using a phone...

If you simply click on the small black arrow that's pointing down on the right side of the small bar that (on my phone) says '(Move to...)' that is located right above the first post... another page will appear with all of my tabs... including 'Art Gallery', 'Video Gallery', 'Poetry Gallery', and soooo much more!

There is literally enough content on this website to entertain and inspire you for days on end!!!

So... have fun investigating all that has to offer!!! 

Ohhhh... and don't forget to find me on Facebook Instagram

Sunday, 10 March 2024



This is a 3'-0" x 3'-0" wood canvas!  
The artwork was created using puzzle pieces!  
This project began in January 2019!!!  
This project was completed on March 8, 2024 at 6:16pm!!!

I am so happy that the finale for this project was such a success!
I've spent the last 4 hours finishing my story and getting
the photos posted so that I can share the entire story with you...

Please enjoy...

Whoot! Whoot!  A fun update...
Until just two hours ago, I have never been able to share a good quality image of this artwork.  All my photos create an image that is not square... mostly because the art is so big that I can't get a decent photo of the art.  A few days ago, I tracked down a photography studio in downtown London, Ontario where they have a scanner that was big enough to handle a 3' x 3' image!  I'm very excited to share this scanned image with you all...
Just click on the link above... to the longest blog story I've ever written... haha... and right at the end of the story you will be able to see the scanned image!

Oh... I've finally figured out a name for this artwork, as well!  I share the title with the scanned image!  Please enjoy...

Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Make a 'favourite'

This website is very new and since I have close to 20 years of art, music and stories to share with you, it is easy to realize that many more posts are still to come....
Mark this page as a 'favourite' and visit again and again to see the many inspiring efforts that will fill your heart with love and peace, as we work together to create a better world for future generations!