For me to have taken such effort to prepare for my protest of Mr. Lube, one can conclude that this company has REALLY p-ss-d me off!!!!
I do not remember another time in my entire life when I was treated SOOOOOO poorly, by anyone! I am the innocent victim in this matter and yet the management has called me a liar, they've lied to me, insulted me and even yelled at me during phone conversations. I went in for a tire change with a set of summer tires with matching rims and a set of winter tires with matching rims. No longer! Now I have 2 sets of mismatched rims and a used replacement tire for the one that they LOST! And I still have not received a refund!

To hear (and see) the story.... I have prepared a Youtube video!
Tell me what you think is the best part.... the 'talking hand', the Rolling Stones ukulele cover, or the monkeys!!!!
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