The following is an account of an action I took part in near the end of January 2025 and into the first week of February...
1 Postcard A Day For 10 Days
We are all feeling powerless in the face of tRumps madness! BUT WE CAN ALL DO SOMETHING... something very simple... something very powerful! But first... a short history behind this call to action...
A part of all the pomp and ceremony involved in tRump's inauguration was a church service. Rev'd Mariann Budde shared words about civility, compassion and peace! tRump didn't like to be told to act merciful! tRump turned to social media and began attacking her!
Then other government officials began attacking her...
This bothered me deeply... and like so many other hateful things tRump has already done in just a few days into his term... I feel defeated... powerless. Then I saw this post on FB...
This inspired me! I decided to get involved! Finally... I could do something... something simple... and if I could take part in this action and inspire others... and more people got involved... and kept sharing this information so that more people would get involved... we could make a powerful statement!
Imagine if tens of millions of postcards were sent to the Reverend!!!! How many postal trucks would be needed to deliver this many postcards??? This would not go unnoticed! The media would have a field day with this story and this story would reach around the world!
This story would say that HOPE STILL EXISTS for our peaceful future!
So... what to do...
Buy 10 postcards! Buy 10 stamps!
Each day... for the next 10 days... mail one postcard to: The Rt Revd Mariann Edgar Budde, Episcopal Church House, Mount St. Alban, Washington, DC, 20016-5094, USA
That's it! Oh... and share this post... let's make this viral!
Already today I have made 6 posts about this on my Facebook page. I have copied the words above in the comments of Youtube videos speaking on this matter. Please join me... use my words... write your own... use my images... make your own... whatever it takes!
This is a short campaign and it will be successful if more and more people get on board!
Please get on board! Let's make news headlines....
Update - Jan 23 2:45pm
In just the last 2 hours, I've shared this information on over 30 different activist FB pages... and I'm already getting lots of positive feedback.
I also just got back from a store that sold me postcards and stamps! Cards & Variety is located beside Subway just north of Baseline Road on Wharncliffe Road South... here in London, Ontario! It took me 5 phone calls to find a store that sells postcards!
This is what I wrote on today's postcard...
After putting a stamp on it... it was time to drop it into a mailbox for delivery!!!! OK... I've got 9 more postcards for each of the next 9 days...
Update - Jan 24 6:47pm
Today I continued with my postings on Facebook, Instagram and Youtube. I'm getting a lot of positive feedback. I sent messages directly to my contacts in South Africa, Mexico and Australia, asking them to help spread the word... after all we want this to be a global effort.
I had a fun chat with a lady I've never met who lives in Scotland. She liked my post and we exchanged positive words. She was inspired to help out... spread the word. Now... because of her, lots of postcards will be coming from Scotland and other parts of Europe!
See how easy this is?
Last night I told Devon what I'm doing and immediately he wanted to get involved!
A few hours ago, I mailed his postcard...
I did not need to wait in this line... I could have just dropped it in the mail slot. But I waited in line so I could take this photo... of me giving the postcard to the lady in the Post Office...
All of the photos I'm taking are then used on my Facebook page. I don't want to just post the same thing over and over and over again... I'm an artist... I like to showcase how I can share the same information... but in creative ways!
I woke up today to a swelling of support! Lots of my Facebook friends have shared my posts on their feeds and this will help to spread the word. I've spent the last hour engaging in conversations with people who left comments for me on my posts in 'activist' groups! It was thrilling for me to get so much support and to know that this message is reaching so many people.
I've never had 67 people react to one of my posts... ever! So I was all smiles to see that my efforts have reached so many people! This was just 1 post on 1 page... I've had many other posts on other pages also getting a lot of reactions, as well!
So... this got me thinking... what if I joined more peace activist groups??? So I did...
These are just 9 of the 20 peace activist groups that I joined just today! Very soon, I will be sharing information about this postcard campaign in all of these groups... reaching even more people!
I want all of this to inspire you... my readers! If you have other ideas that will help spread the word about this campaign... please let me know!!!
Oh... my son, Devon, just finished his postcard that we'll be mailing later this afternoon...
Just two minutes after I made my most recent post on Facebook, sharing the photo above, I found this comment waiting for me...
The day is still early... I imagine I'll have more heart warming stories to share later today...
Update - Jan 26 11:05pm
Yawn! It's getting late... it's been a busy weekend... but I wanted to share a few words about how this postcard campaign continues to build steam...
This was the beginning of a long exchange of words! This mother from Panama and I are now connected on Facebook. It's amazing to see how people from all over the world are seeing the posts I've been making. It's all about sharing. This lady isn't able to easily mail postcards because she lives in Panama... but having her share information about this postcard campaign will get others involved!
I was all smiles when this grandmother commented on one of my posts with a photo of many postcards ready for the mailbox! As always... I remind people to also share information about this campaign. She replied to my comment a few minutes later with 'done'... meaning she had shared my post!
This is how word spreads!
This is how we'll be able to get tens of millions of postcards to fill many delivery trucks to get the attention of global media outlets!
I continue to take photos of Devon writing on these postcards and mailing them...
... so that all my posts are new and fresh... and ready to share over and over again!
Did you know that if you simple 'right click' on any image you see here that you can 'steal' it and save it to your computer? Go ahead... use these photos to help spread the word!!
I'll make it even easier for you... Early today, I made this one page promotion... hoping people would save it so that they can make their own posts to continue spreading the word. Here it is... please share this wide and far...
About 10 minutes ago, I read a comment someone wrote to me on one of my many posts...
Her words ring true! Her words are the reason why I am so passionate about this postcard campaign! She is questioning if this action will do any good! I hope that my words of encouragement help her to realize that if we all act together... as one... creating a ground swell of support for one cause... that our united actions will get the attention they deserve!
OK... time for me to get to bed! I look forward to sharing more photos and inspirational stories tomorrow... as this campaign continues!
Oh... look at the bottom left corner of this post... you can see links that will allow you to share this post! So... there ya go... another easy way to get involved! Much love...
Update - Jan 27 12:03pm
Wow! I woke up today with so many comments from people from all around the world telling me that they are going to join in with this campaign!!! 1 postcard a day for 10 days! Amazing!
I was doing a little googling... and I came across this post...
Of course I found it upsetting that some people are also campaigning AGAINST Mariann! The fact that so much hatred is growing in the world should concern us all! It should also inspire us to work even harder to manifest love and peace for future generations!
On the plus side to this negative post, I found that 95% of those who responded to it were in support of Mariann's speech! This must have really annoyed the person the who made this post as they were trying to further promote hate... and his attempts backfired! Awesome!!!!
You will notice that I have left each of these people a comment of my own. I shared information about this postcard campaign and I believe that a few of them have gotten on board!!! Great to hear!
Here's another comment that someone left for me earlier today...
Always... I'm asking people to remember that sharing information about this campaign is the only way to keep this campaign alive! Let's keep the momentum building...
Update - Jan 30 11:23am
It's been a few days since my last update. I have a job and I've been busy! Interesting though... how my job has allowed me to spread the word about this campaign...
I found myself speaking to a small group of seniors... and they were all glad to hear about this campaign. One senior shed a few tears as she had grown up during the time of Hitler and what is happening now makes her so very sad! She hugged me when I told her about this campaign... and she gave me $5.00. A few minutes later another senior gave me $5.00. They asked me to buy postcards with the money... and I did that just yesterday... so today I'm going to be mailing 5 postcards instead of my usual 1 postcard!
Many other seniors got out notepads and wrote down Mariann's address and they said that they would be mailing several postcards over the coming days! This made me smile!
I also found myself speaking to a group of around 40 university students! Most of them were exchange students and I asked them to spread the word to their family... in the country where they are from. By doing this, more people from around the world will be getting involved! Many students shook my hand and thanked me for taking the time to inspire them to get involved!
I came across this post on a webpage for an art supply store, somewhere in the US...
This is awesome! They are promoting this postcard campaign... and having classes to allow people to paint their own designs on the postcards! Being an artist, I found this very heartwarming!
A couple of days ago, I switched things up with my posts. I shared a link to this webpage so that people could read all of these updates.
WOW! What a spike in my stats! 192 people in one day visited this website to learn about this campaign. This is the highest daily traffic my website has ever seen! Awesome!
This comment on one of my posts in a "peace activist" group made me realize that I'm continuing to get people from around the world involved! Amazing!
This comment came from a lady living in British Columbia! As always, I thank everyone for getting involved... I ask them to send a total of 10 postcards... and I ask them to share the post to keep the momentum growing!
I'm just sharing a few of the comments I'm getting each day! I have been spending almost an hour each morning replying to all of these comments... there are so many! This is great news!
Each day, I come up with new and fresh words to use to when promoting this campaign. Today, I have been sharing these words...
When you participate in this "1 postcard a day for 10 days" campaign be sure to buy postcards from where you are from. I am sending postcards with "London, Ontario", "Ontario", and "Canada" images so that Mariann Budde knows where her support is coming from! 

Then I add my standard words to explain the campaign in more detail...
About this campaign for peace...
We are all feeling powerless in the face of tRumps madness! BUT WE CAN ALL DO SOMETHING... something very simple... something very powerful!
Buy 10 postcards! Buy 10 stamps!
Each day... for the next 10 days... mail one postcard to: The Rt Revd Mariann Edgar Budde, Episcopal Church House, Mount St. Alban, Washington, DC, 20016-5094, USA
That's it! Oh... and share this post... let's make this viral!
When the media reacts to this news and shares this story about The Reverend who asked tRump to be merciful and was ‘attacked’ by his office… who then received tens of millions of postcards in support of her actions… the world will know that HOPE STILL EXISTS for our peaceful future!
This is the image that I put together for today's posts...
I look forward to sharing one last update on this campaign in a few more days. Until then... share... share... share... let's keep the momentum growing....
Update - Feb 04, 2025
Over the last few days, I have continued to share info about this campaign far and wide. I've always smiled whenever I've seen other people sharing my posts...
My posts are being shared around the world! Awesome!!
Devon has continued to write words of support on postcards and get them into the postal system...
So... what's next? From the beginning I've simply said that the goal of this campaign is to get millions of postcards mailed to Mariann Budde. Imagine what a million postcards looks like... It would take so many large bags... maybe even truckloads to deliver this amount of postcards! This will surely gain the interest of global media outlets and then the story about millions of people uniting to take action against HATE will spread around the world. We all need a good story filled with inspiration these days!
The other day, I spent some time contacting media outlets in Canada and the US. I contacted Rachel Maddow directly, to ask if she's heard anything about the results of this campaign. Maddow interviewed Budde not too long ago about this whole matter. Here's that interview...
I haven't heard back from anyone so far... but it's only been a few days.
This morning, I found an email address that should see my letter getting forwarded to Mariann. The address I found was a 'general inquiry' address for a church she's a member of. I actually asked her to send me photos of the postcards she has received. I hope that I'll have something more to share with y'all in another few days...
Keep spreading the word... and keep mailing those postcards...
Update - Feb. 17, 2025
Well... we finished mailing our 10 postcards... but this action is still gaining attention... so it continues. Just the other day, a senior I know gave me $20 to buy postcards for her since it's so hard for her to get around. To help her even more, Devon has written Mariann's address on all of them, so my friend only needs to write a short message of support, put a stamp on them and then mail them. So, this will be another 15 postcards getting mailed in the next week or so.
Even though most of my posts on Facebook are well over a week old, I'm still getting comments from people seeing them for the first time... like the comment above!
I saw this image in my newsfeed the other day and I had to take a closer look. I learned that some people were organizing a fundraiser to help support Mariann's work in her community and to do this someone had baked some treats with a photo of Mariann on them! Very cool!
This comment on one of my posts cracked me up. This lady thought she did something wrong by mailing three postcards on one day. I hope my reply made her smile!
Someone had seen my posts about this postcard campaign and knew that I would be interested to learn about someone else doing something, as well. She sent me a link to an artist's webpage where I saw his most recent painting...
Well... I haven't had any replies from the emails I sent out asking for more information about how many postcards have been received... and at this point, I'm not going to inquire any further. I figure that I have done quite a bit to participate, share information and get people motivated so I'm going to end this story here.
As a final note, I will say that if anyone happens to be reading this story before the end of February, 2025 and you are inspired to participate... please do so! I would guess that participating after the end of this month would still be fine and dandy... but the 'wave of postcards' impact will surely be over by then!
OK - so what's next??? Oh ya... we're having a provincial election here in Ontario on Feb 27th so I'll be quite busy educating people about how they should not vote for Doug Ford and the PC party! They've done enough harm over the last seven years... it's time for better leadership!
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